An Audience with A F Steadman

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St John’s Methodist Church, Bodmin Road, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 5AE

Only £5.00 each

Doors open: 3 pm – 6 pm

Tickets are now available:

A.F. Steadman will host a highly anticipated signing event in St Austell on Sunday, 27th October, where she’ll be discussing her latest release, Skandar and the Skeleton Curse, the fourth book in her acclaimed SKANDAR series.

This popular fantasy series features bloodthirsty unicorns, epic sky battles, and magic, has been captivating young readers over the age of nine since it was first published two years ago.

The latest instalment has already made waves, hitting Number 2 in the UK Children’s book chart and becoming a top 10 bestseller in the general UK book chart. All of this in the week of UK publishing’s ‘Super Thursday’ – a day where over 1900 books were published in the UK alone. 

Steadman’s book launches are renowned for their global tours, and during her last visit to Cornwall for the St Austell Festival of Children’s Literature in June 2024, she attracted hundreds of enthusiastic young fans who queued for up to four hours to meet her.